At the moment - the state of this blog is as much a collection of interesting blog references on the subject as they are my posts. The development has continued on:

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Competitive Intelligence

Case Study:
An Enterprise WeblogSystem for Competitive Intelligence

Thierry Barsalou, MD, PhD
Chief Information Officer

Trykk på bildet under for å få større:

Monday, November 17, 2008

Whitepaper: Five Best Practices for Enterprise Collaboration Success

Businesses are using Web 2.0 technologies such as wikis and social networking to speed up cycle times and increase
effectiveness. The right collaboration solution is the easiest, most cost effective way to achieve these results.

This paper outlines five practices that make the difference between solutions that achieve dramatic business results –
quickly and effectively – and ones that don’t.

Five Best Practices for Enterprise Collaboration Success (PDF)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Bruk av Wikis i Prosjektstyring

24 January 2008 | Projects@Work - Micro to Macro PM: the Wiki Way

Jordan Frank's article published in Projects@Work this month describes how Wikis fit in the center of project management collaboration, or alongside a traditional group scheduling and resource management system. Within the article, he points to two sites (ShoreBank
and National Health Service Orkneywho have reached exceptional success in using the Traction TeamPage to do project management the wiki way! » Read Full Story

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Event Information: Social Computing Redefines Collaboration

Registration is required to join this event.
Event status:Not started (Register)
Date and time:Wednesday 19 November 2008 19:00
Norway Standard Time (GMT +01:00, Oslo)
Program:Webinar with Forrester Principal Analyst, Enterprise Collaboration -- Rob Koplowitz
Duration:1 hour
Description:A wholesale shift in mindset about what defines collaboration has led to the new people-centric collaboration strategy. A people-centric collaboration strategy can dramatically accelerate business processes and reduce cycle times across the organization. In this webinar you’ll learn how to anchor your collaboration strategy around the people-centric components, and gain the competitive advantage this promises.

In this session you will learn:

* How collaboration is being redefined
* The critical role of social software
* Best practices to ensure business results
* Examples of how social software is being used, and the business results it is achieving

Rob Koplowitz, Forrester Principal Analyst, Enterprise Collaboration
Ross Mayfield, Socialtext Chairman, President and Co-founder

Monday, November 10, 2008

Nasjonal digital læringsarena

Nasjonal digital læringsarena

"Nasjonal digital læringsarena" - er et fellesinitiativ fra fylkeskommunene som har til hensikt å etablere fritt tilgjengelige, fullverdige, dynamiske fagnettsteder for alle fag i videregående opplæring. Dette samhandlingsrommet omhandler informasjon- og meningsutveksling knyttet til prosjektet.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

En interessant Blog fra en EMC ansatt (produsent av eRoom)

A Journey In Social Media

Thousands of eRooms sprung up everywhere, each with its own little puddle of content. These were just repositories that turned into a document dumping ground.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Fra Wikipedia - Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management Technologies

The early Knowledge Management technologies were online corporate yellow pages (expertise locators) and document management systems. Combined with the early development of collaborative technologies (in particular Lotus Notes), KM technologies expanded in the mid 1990s. Subsequently it followed developments in technology in use in Information Management. In particular the use of semantic technologies for search and retrieval and the development of knowledge management specific tools such as those for communities of practice.

More recently social computing tools (such as blogs and wikis) have developed to provide a more unstructured, self-governing approach to the transfer, capture and creation of knowledge through the development of new forms of community, network or matrix. However, such tools for the most part are still based on text and code, and thus represent explicit knowledge transfer. These tools face challenges in distilling meaningful re-usable knowledge and intelligible information and ensuring that their content is transmissible through diverse channels, platforms and forums.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Innhold av halv-times innføring

You might know Socialtext as a best-in-class provider of Enterprise Wikis. This is still true and now we are very excited to let you know that on September 30th we will be releasing the next generation of our solution – a comprehensive Enterprise Social Software Platform – that includes Wikis, Blogs, Business Social Networking and Information Mashups:

1. Socialtext Enterprise Wiki allows people to collaborate in intuitive and flexible ways.

  • Create persistent corporate knowledge
  • Eliminate duplication of effort and information silos
  • Make it easy for people to contribute and share knowledge that exists in the organisation

2. Socialtext People boosts the effectiveness of every person in the organisation by giving them a way to discover expertise and build informal networks.

  • Discover content and people
  • Create networks and groups with employees, partners and customers
  • Collaborate in wiki and weblog workspaces

3. Socialtext Dashboard gives you personalised views of what’s most important to you in getting your job done.

  • Subscribe to the conversations and activity of colleagues and build networks
  • Collaborate in context: aggregate what is relevant to you across internal and external systems
  • Get your team on page, and out of overloaded inboxes

The Benefits of this Integrated Solution:

• Radically improve collaboration within a geographically dispersed organisation
• Make it easy for people to contribute and share knowledge that exists within the firm
• Make it easy for people to discover and reuse knowledge that already exists
• Allow people an easy way to find the experts within the firm

See this for yourself in action through this recorded webinar

– the presentation and demo takes less than 25 minutes


Jon G Grorud
Sales Director, EMEA

Socialtext: The Leader in Enterprise Social Software

M: +44 7766 461 523 E:
Quay House, Canary Wharf, E14 9XG, London, United Kingdom

Want to find out more, please watch these unique screencasts:
- Wiki 101 – how to get started
- Miki – mobile access to your wiki
- Unplugged – offline access to your wiki

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Forskjellen mellom DMS og E2.0 samhandling

Hvorfor IS Partner burde evaluere Enterprise 2.0 løsninger selvom man har Dokumenthåndtering systemer som Domino Doc, Sharepoint, Documentum, eRoom etc.

DMS and Collaboration Suite: Friends not Foes

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Some instructive videos

The Rise of Enterprise 2.0, Andrew McAfee | Video | Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo

: May 31, 2008; Posted by Greg Lloyd; 2 Attachments

Last month I had the pleasure of interviewing HBS Professor Andrew McAfee at the Enterprise 2.0 Summit Tokyo 2008. The forty minute interview was videotaped in Professor McAfee's HBS office based on questions submitted in advance from the Tokyo conference site ( Topics included the definition of Enterprise 2.0 versus Web 2.0; return on investment; risk of disclosure; factors for successful Enterprise 2.0 deployment - and a series of questions and followup on Enterprise 2.0 and competitive advantage that particularly struck me:

Best Practice News
Improving Sales & Marketing Effectiveness
Imagine always...
• Understanding what matters most to your market
• Knowing your sales tools will advance the sale
• Having competitive intelligence when you need it

Ross Mayfield, Socialtext Chairman, President and Co-founder shows specific ways you can achieve these goals in this
20-minute video ››

Monday, September 1, 2008

Gartner Group - Magic Quadrant on Team Collaboration and Social Software

Og her er Gartners seneste Magic Quadrant on Team Collaboration and Social Software:

Beyond blogs and wikis

Jordan Frank / Marketing11405 / September 26, 2008 / 12:02:00 PM EDT / 0 Comments
Attached @1 is the presentation I put together for a talk at KMWorld 2008. The presentation starts off with a history of communication and collaboration - from the first verbal communication through the beginning of writing and to blogs and wikis.
Contact for a copy

Friday, August 22, 2008

The Rise of Enterprise 2.0, Andrew McAfee | Video | Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo

: May 31, 2008; Posted by Greg Lloyd; 2 Attachments

Last month I had the pleasure of interviewing HBS Professor Andrew McAfee at the Enterprise 2.0 Summit Tokyo 2008. The forty minute interview was videotaped in Professor McAfee's HBS office based on questions submitted in advance from the Tokyo conference site ( Topics included the definition of Enterprise 2.0 versus Web 2.0; return on investment; risk of disclosure; factors for successful Enterprise 2.0 deployment - and a series of questions and followup on Enterprise 2.0 and competitive advantage that particularly struck me:

Review of Enterprise 2.0 vendors

Wikis evolve as collaboration tools (en sammenligning av 4 viktigste corporate social software leverandører)

Side-by-side comparison

After reviewing these four products, they clearly fit in different strata. All have the bedrock of usability and fast setup. What’s more, they work like the Web, so groups can share information and collaborate without much learning.
Socialtext, then Near-Time, offer wiki collaboration, team Weblog publishing, search, simple file management, and some personalization. Atlassian Confluence moves up a layer with better content organization and extensibility. Traction TeamPage clearly placed above the others with its superior ease of use and query ability that presented each user with just the knowledge they need.

Lotusphere 2008: Social Computing Chess Match

Yesterday during the opening session, IBM announced a strategic partnership with both Socialtext and Atlassian to integrate each vendor's wiki technology into Lotus Connections.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Kunnskap er vårt virkelige aktivum (asset)

En viktig hensikt med det under (og som Enterprise 2.0 platform kan hjelpe oss med) er å forvalte vår kunnskap på en bedre måte. Og det er vår kunnskap som er vår virkelige asset - kunnskap om kunden, kunnskap om hvordan vi kan hjelpe kunden, kunnskap om hverandre, etc. Dette må vi ta hånd om på en bedre måte. Mye ressurser blir brukt på prosesser, kostnadsmodeller, etc. Men dette er bare for styring (som selvfølgelig er nødvendig), men det er ikke vår virkelige asset.
Kunnskap - ikke bare å ta vare på kunnskap, men å fostre kunnskap, vite hvor den er - raskt, få den ut av mennesker, etc. Fra noen av foilene på en av Webcastene under (Socialtext Dashboard) "Preparing for Web 2.0 - The New Reality for Support" lærer vi at med Web 2.0 / Enterprise 2.0 blir business knowledge bedre tatt hånd om, veldig enkelt for alle å få up-to-date status på prosjekter og engasjementer, og se hvordan hele selskapet jobber sammen.
Det sies også en god del om fordelene med Web 2.0 ifh til tradisjonelle IM, ECM / portal løsninger. Information Management blir et for snevert begrep, Information Dynamics er kanskje et bedre begrep for en kunnskapsbedrift. Carig Lehrman (SCRUM kursholderen) sa om løsninger som Sharepoint kontra Wiki's: "Sharepoint er information scattering, Wikis' er information gathering"
vennlig hilsen
Rolf Idar Isaksen

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Web/Enterprise 2.0 - The wisdom of the crowd

Er vi rede for å vise vei innen den nye Web 2.0 og Enterprise 2.0 platformen. For de som ikke vet hva jeg snakker om se denne linken (Enterprise 2.0: The Dawn of Emergent Collaboration) eller noen av linkene fra SocialText under.
At jeg må skrive denne meldingen som en email med begrenset/manglende/ (mangelfulle og muligens uriktige) adressater (ut fra min begrensede kunnskap), illustrerer veldig godt begrensingene i dagens platformer for informasjons-deling og samhandling og grunnen til at det er på høy tid å se på anvendelse av Enterprise 2.0 funskjonalitet.. (Hadde vi ikke en blog på intranet-siden vår en gang - hvor ble det av den? - eller hva med noe forum funksjonalitet ?)
Å ta skrittet over til Enterprise 2.0 er en utfordring (men liten) teknologisk, men er muligens en desto større utfordring organisatorisk (administrativt) og muligens menneskelig/sosialt (blir bedre) - det betyr en ny måte å tenke på - men er , etter min mening - helt nødvendig for å kunne få maksimalt ut av ansatte i en kunnskapsbedrift. Igjen - se på artikkelen over, - her er noen stikkord :
Emergent Collaboration
Strukturen og perfeksjoneringen blir til mens man går - det finnes ingen fullkommen initielll struktur
La din stemme høre
The wisdom of the crowd
Dette faller inn i tanke-mønster til lean thinking, agile methods som vi finner i SCRUM metoden (som StatoilHydro snakker tildels mye om). Det beste resultat får man ved å tilrettelegge for en gryende perfeksjonisme som kommer ved at man erkjenner verdien av og har system for at alle stemmer høres - the wisdom of the crowd - og at ingen enkelt individ eller gruppe av individer har den fulle forståelse og oversikt i utgangspunktet. Dette er måten å operere på i en kunnskapsbedrift med komplekse problemstillinger/prosjekter/oppgaver og utnytte det aktivum som finnes i gruppen av kunnskapsarbeidere.
Det er litt skummelt, kanskje - for det kan synes som man mister kontrollen (flere enn ledelsen kan publisere, etc), men det er dette som ligger i sann empowerment. I SCRUM stoler man på kunnskapsarbeideren og har tillt til at han/hun kommer opp med det beste, wikipedia er et interessant Web 2.0 eksperiment/resultat - dette skulle vi ikke være redd for å teste ut i vår kunnskapsbedrift heller.
Det som nå skjer i sosiale nettverk som Facebook, LinkedIn, etc (kanskje du som jeg ristet på hodet av dette til å begynne med) er nettopp den type funksjonalitet som trenges i en kunnskapsbedrift.
Skal vi gå foran med et godt eksempel og vise kunder som StatoilHydro , Hydro , etc. gode anvendelsesmuligheter med dette?
Jeg kan se mange anvendelses-behov i StatoilHydro, f.eks kunnskap/erfarings utveksling , bedre utnytting av team-ressurser, etc. - alt dette trenger også å bli bedre i en kunnskapsbedrift som StatoilHydro.
Et enkelt anvendelses-område vi kunne begynne med er sosialt nettverk for alle oss som jobber med prosjekter i StatoilHydro - her kan vi fange opp status på prosjekter, aktiviteter, hva som skjer og ikke minst mulige business opportunities for IS Partner mot StatoilHydro. Det må være enkelt å komme igang og populariteten vil øke etterhvert som basen inneholder mer og mer kunnskap. Men noen ledere må ta intiativ og gå foran med et godt eksempel (se råd i artikkel). Og vi bruker SocialText (eller noen andre) til å hjelpe oss igang.

vennlig hilsen
Rolf Idar Isaksen

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Fordeler ved Enterprise 2 løsninger kontra tradisjonelle ECM og Portal løsninger

Som jeg nevnte for Rolf sa er prove versjonen relativt begrenset ettersom den ikke inneholder noen av de tre viktige modulene:
· Socialtext People – business social networks ("Facebook for the enterprise" )
· Socialtext Dashboard – information mashups ("Netvibes for the enterprise")
· SocialCalc – first industrial-grade wiki-based spreadsheet
Dessuten har prove versjonen verken relevant innehold, en overordnet struktur som passer deres valgte use cases, eller et design pa brukergrensesnitt som er i henhold til StatoilHydro’s visuelle profil (viktig for sluttbruker adopsjon). Det kan med andre ord vaere bedre bruk av tiden at jeg viser dere eksempler pa wiki oppsett og –sider som passer deres behov, slik jeg gjorde veldig kort sammen med Rolf idag.
Rolf – du spurte om fordelene av Enterprise 2.0 losninger kontra tradisjonelle ECM og Portal losninger. Folgende punkter beskriver dette godt ettersom E2.0 gjor det mye lettere for folk a publisere informasjon, dele kunnskap, og samhandle pa mater som er lettvinte og naturlige for dem:
· Increase teaming across organizational and geographical boundaries
· Create persistent corporate knowledge
· Eliminate duplication of effort and information silos
· An easy way to immediately share field insights across the organization
· Enable feedback loops that increase the quality of all messages, materials and products
Og igjen vil jeg understreke at Socialtext integreres fullt ut med SharePoint (bade WSS 2003 og MOSS 2007) og har gjort dette i mange aar.
Jon Gunnar
PS. For more information on Socialtext and Enterprise 2.0 feel free to browse our website - (and I particularly suggest you download the renowned MIT Sloan Management Review: Enterprise 2.0: The Dawn of Emergent Collaboration by Andrew McAfee - Associate Professor at Harvard).
Jon G Grorud
Sales Director, EMEA
M: +44 7766 461 523 E:
Socialtext: The Leader in Social Software - Enterprise-Grade Wikis and Blogs
Want to find out more, please watch these unique screencasts:
- Wiki 101 – how to get started
- Miki – mobile access to your wiki
- Unplugged – offline access to your wiki

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

En Socialtext case

Under kontaktdetaljene mine kan du forovrig lese et kort utdrag av tilbudsdokumentet vi sendte til en kunde i Zurich som signerte med oss i forrige uke. Resonerer noe av den informasjonen med tilsvarende problemer du onsker a lose for StatoilHydro?
Jon G
Jon G Grorud
Sales Director, EMEA
M: +44 7766 461 523 E:
Socialtext: The Leader in Social Software - Enterprise-Grade Wikis and Blogs
Want to find out more, please watch these unique screencasts:
Wiki 101 – how to get started
Miki – mobile access to your wiki
Unplugged – offline access to your wiki

As a leading global player in the Life Sciences supply industry, _____ is continuously seeking strategic competitive advantages through improvements in the way the firm harnesses and leverages the knowledge within the organisation. There is a level of consensus within _____ that some fundamental collaboration-, and knowledge sharing processes are sub-optimal and that improving these are of strategic importance to the firm.

Situation Today
During the course of the past couple of months, Socialtext has been invited to interview and discuss the current situation with several _________staff, including (VP, Head of Delivery Support) and ______ (Sales Manager, France). These conversations have been very fruitful in uncovering the current business challenges for the firm in the area of knowledge management and collaboration. In other words, the conversations centered on specific issues around ________ processes for the efficient capture, sharing, and reuse of the knowledge that exists within the organisation. Some of the issues that we heard are as follows:

  • · "There is substantial inefficiencies in the proposal creation process"
  • · "_______ participates in around 2,400 bids / tenders a year – the proposals are not always as accurate as they could be"
  • · "We deliver around 600 projects a year – important knowledge from these projects is not captured properly so that it can be reused by Sales and Delivery Teams"
  • · "It takes 6-9 months before a new sales person is up-to-speed"
  • · "Sales People are often struggling to find the right experts internally during the sales process"
  • · "Customers are sceptical of custom applications and request documentation on previous project expertise"
  • · "Updates to Product Roadmaps get emailed out to Sales and Delivery Teams – they need to keep a library locally"
  • · "Some days the same question is asked 3 times to the Expert Lines"
  • · "It would be easier to resolve implementation problems if we could easier find the relevant Application Specialists"
  • · "There is a lot of pressure on Support to answer questions quickly"
    · "Implementations have errors and take time to get corrected"

These issues can be grouped into three recurring themes:

  1. Knowledge Capture and Sharing could be better
  2. Finding the Experts inside the firm is difficult
  3. Problems on delivery projects are repeated

And the business implications for ______ of these issues are as follows:

  • Wasted resources through duplication of efforts
  • Competitive advantages based on existing expertise and knowledge is not leveraged fully
  • Information silos are barriers to sales repeatability
  • Limited teaming across geographies
  • Costly problems on delivery projects could have been avoided
  • Trapped expertise – hard to know who to go to

Solution Desired
From our conversations and the workshop we ran in Zurich on June 12th, it is clear that ______ managers across Sales, Frontline Support, Project Delivery, and Product Management recognise the potential for an Enterprise 2.0 platform to:
• radically improve collaboration within a geographically dispersed organisation
• make it easy for people to contribute and share knowledge that already exists within the firm
• make it easy for people to discover and reuse knowledge that already exists
• allow people an easy way to find the experts within the firm

Such an Enterprise 2.0 platform thus needs to include the following components – an enterprise wiki (collaborative web pages to create a Participatory Knowledgebase); business social networks capabilities (a people directory that will allow people to easily find the relevant experts within the firm); and the appropriate enterprise integrations with _______ existing systems (such as, Microsoft Outlook and Office, Blackberry and mobile devices, and Active Directory integration for a seamless user experience). Furthermore, the enterprise wiki needs to have a completely customized look and feel and navigational properties that are consistent with _______ visual profile and branding policy.

The final critical component of the solution sought is the consulting services and expertise that Socialtext offers around its social software platform. These services include ongoing consulting for the training, adoption, and roll-out; design and deployment of a customised look and feel of the wiki; the prototyping of the wiki (setting up structure and workflow and seeding it with content); and custom technical integration services. The services engagement plan is described in more detail further down in this proposal.

For the initial six months, _______ will be in a proof of concept phase where the Enterprise 2.0 solution will be rolled out to various groups of users, and where the required services is offered to ensure this project will be a great success